


Projektno vodenje




  • Jan Jemec

    Vodja Projektov

    “ Motivira me, da s svojim delom prispevam, k družbi, ki zmanjšuje ogljični odtis oziroma prispevam k boljšem okolju za naše zanamce. ”

  • Anja Hočevar


    “ Motivacijo pri delu najdem pri ljudeh ob katerih se lahko učim in z njimi rastem, da sem z leti boljša na svojem področju in da se podjetje lahko zanese name. ”

  • Stojanka Polovina

    Strokovni sodelavec za obračun plač

    “ Svojo službo in podjetje obožujem. Ponosna sem, da sem že 38 let del te velike družine. Litostroj mi pomeni varnost , ponos in željo, da bi mladi enako začutili – pripadnost. ”

About Litostroj Power Group

Litostroj Power Group, as part of the hydro focused investment group Energo-Pro, offers integrated solutions for hydroelectric power generation equipment. With 170 years of experience and tradition, based on enthusiasm and fully focused will of its employees, Litostroj Power Group has grown through decades into an international company with worldwide presence. With our own production facilities located at our headquarters in Ljubljana (Slovenia) and powerful research and development team, we are able to combine the best design and production solutions under one roof with one single purpose: deliver best and optimum product for our customer!


Success stories begin and end with people. At our work, we follow our mission and act in respect of our values, which are customer-focus, innovative spirit, integrity, good business relations, amicable and creative work environment and personal responsibility. The target of our people policy is to create the conditions for professional, career and personal development of our employees.

Their technological sophistication makes the water turbines and hydro-mechanical equipment one of the most challenging tasks in mechanical engineering. We produce this equipment on the basis of our own know-how, research and experience gained and transferred from generation to generation.

This type of work requires a high level of knowledge, skills, ambition, innovativeness, efficiency and curiosity. We consistently improve the knowledge of our people by improving the educational structure (financing part-time study and hiring highly-qualified people), with in-house training programs, knowledge transfer and by creating opportunities to work on complex international projects. We encourage our people's personal, career and professional development with open and constant communication with employees at all levels, proper dissemination of information, ensuring proper work conditions, health and safety at work and also with investing in the quality of life of our employees.

We always act in respect of human rights and in compliance with the labor legislation, showing an ethic attitude towards all interest groups in the broad community. We are committed to respect the ethic standards also by Litostroj Power’s Code of Ethics. We stand behind the company’s internal agreement, which gives our people more rights and a higher remuneration than required by the law and above the average for our branch of industry, as well as other agreements adopted by the negotiations with the trade unions and the workers' council.

Why work for Litostroj Power?

We are passionate and uniting people who want to win. We offer collaborative working environment and good support and mentoring. With plenty of opportunities to learn new things and develop skills that are vital to your success, we expect our people to become the best professionals at their field.